Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Invasion 2008

we're being invaded. Not by diapers or binki's or onsies. Okay, all those things ARE invading our home, but that isn't what this *this* blog is about. We are being invaded by LADY BUGS. It's like revenge of the lady bugs here. I'm not sure if they have just realized that since we got a boy, and not girl, they will not be featured in the new nursery, or if they just love our house. Seriously...there are hundreds of them. There are so many of them that today when we left the house to go to Babies R Us, we wandered around and around the store, and we bought some stuff, and then we went out for dinner, and we ate and we got ready to leave that there, walking up the side of Ty's bucket carrier was a freaking lady bug. Four hours after we had left the house! The first few lady bugs I saw were so sweet and cute, and now I stomp on the little f-ers even if I think they are already dead. I can't look out a window with out seeing one climb up it. I can't sit on my couch without finding one dead, stuck to my blanket! Where are they all coming from?? I have ONE crocus in the yard! Spring is not here yet! I agree it's coming, but these little creatures are out sunning themselves like it's May and we should be breaking out the bathings suits.

Okay, I'm going to bed. If you can't find us tomorrow, we've been carried of the the secret lady bug hideout that is somewhere in this house...

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