Thursday, October 25, 2007

Final Homestudy Date!

We finally got to reschedule our last home study visit to November 6th! After that we'll only be waiting on our paperwork. CORI checks ( and our references to return their paperwork, etc. Oh yeah, and a baby...we'll need to find one of those too!
We haven't heard too much more on the expectant mother in Ohio, what I have heard is that Ohio is a crappy state to adopt from. A few people I've connected with adopted out of Ohio, and they had to wait in state for the ICPC paperwork for almost a month (you have to stay in the state the baby is born in until this paperwork is done. It makes sure the both states will recognize the adoption, and that the state you are going to will finalize you adoption in accordance with state laws where the baby was born, and bunch of other stuff) ICPC usually takes about 2 weeks or less, so a MONTH, is a really slow moving state. I just don't think I can last a month in a hotel with an infant. Mike wouldn't even be able to stay that long. I would have to find out more about it before I would commit to an adoption in that state. Otherwise the adoption laws are ok (as in they protect the adoptive parents reasonably well)
If and when we hear more, you know I'll let you all know!

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